The Clinical Psychology Training Program

Program Director: Dr. Dennis McChargue

ABCT Program Award

The Clinical Psychology Training Program (CPTP) is accredited by the American Psychological Association.  It is one of the oldest clinical training programs in the country, having had continuous accreditation since 1948. The CPTP was named the “Outstanding Training Program” in 2013 by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). The goal of this program is to produce broadly-trained, scientifically-oriented, doctoral psychologists who have skills in both research and professional roles.

The CPTP has followed the scientist-practitioner, Boulder-model of clinical training since its inception. Both clinical and research training are continuous, integrated processes, continuously supervised and monitored by the clinical faculty. The CPTP subscribes to the APA evidence-based practice model (APA, 2006) across all of our clinical training. Students in the CPTP are trained to be both consumers and producers of research, applying best research evidence in clinical practice and generating new knowledge to improve treatment. The CPTP follows a “junior colleague” approach to training, which promotes professionalism and collegiality among faculty and students. Students participate in the ongoing development of the program and are viewed as colleagues in a common endeavor with the faculty.

Consistent with the mission of graduating scientist-practitioners, the CPTP has the following overarching aims:

1. To produce graduates with understanding and competence in the breadth of scientific psychology;
2. To produce graduates with understanding and competence in planning, conducting, evaluating and disseminating research;
3. To produce graduates with understanding and competence in the practice of clinical psychology;
4. To produce graduates with understanding and competence in issues of cultural and individual diversity; and
5. To produce graduates with an identity as a professional psychologist and scientist-practitioner.


For additional information on accreditation, contact:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First St., NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
voice (202) 336-5979 fax (202) 336-5978

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